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Cbc September 18 Convention Center Download Free For Mac

Thanks to ANA for great Philadelphia convention The American Numismatic Association World’s Fair of Money Convention was held for the eighth time in the City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia, Pa., on Aug.

Some months, you won't qualify for any samples. Some months, they will offer your samples a day early on the Monday before they are open to everyone else. If you have not signed up yet, head to.

Minting a new 3-cent piece wasteful if not silly Mint a three-cents coin? 28 issue of Numismatic News, a Viewpoint article by Wayne Pearson advocated the issuance of a new three-cent denomination coin to replace the cent. I think this idea is silly since nothing can be bought for three cents. Minting such a denomination would be wasteful.

The least expensive item I know of is a paper bag, which one can buy for 10 cents in California when buying groceries. Making any coin of a smaller denomination makes no sense. I advocate a complete reworking of all of our coin denominations as follows: A dime, as the smallest; a quarter; a half dollar; and a dollar and a five dollar, all in ascending order of size. Eliminate the $1 bill and the $5 bill and begin the printing of $500 bills. Thomas Miller Santa Rosa, Calif.

Base metal dollar coin designs that have circulated alongside the paper dollar include Eisenhower (top left), Susan B. Free dmg download mac Anthony (center right), and Sacagawea (bottom left). (Images courtesy www.usacoinbook.com) New dollar coin first step to abolish paper dollar? “Once upon a time,” most Fairy tales start out.

The new American Innovation dollars program is no doubt a thinly veiled idea by some members of Congress to abolish the paper dollar. The paper dollar has worked side by side with gold dollars and silver dollars and base metal dollar coins (Eisenhower, Anthony and Sacagawea) since it started in the 1860s. People choose what they want to use in a free country, and that is the way it should be. The argument that abolishing the paper dollar for a coin will save us all kinds of money is a joke.

The bastions of society, in our Congress, who are so concerned about saving money, have us in a $20 trillion national debt. Putting this in perspective, if the debt stopped and no interest was added, it would take an average couple making $50,000 a year 400,000 years to pay off the debt. If, and I say if, any money was saved by using the coin over paper, Congress would have it wasted on some pork project before the ink on the abolition of the paper dollar was even dry. To think otherwise would be a fairy tale. Comparison: The paper dollar is, and always has been, more popular than the coin, yet they do work together.

The paper dollar is like Classic Coke. And the dollar coin is like New Coke. You remember what happened when the Coke company abolished Coke and essentially forced New Coke on the public. They would have been smarter, and money ahead, to add New Coke to their line-up and see if they could get an audience. It is the same with the dollar coin.